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Monday, December 3, 2007

12/3 Update

Travel Status - Saturday morning we arrived back in Lima after a week long stay in the coastal city of Trujillo. We were able to see and learn from the students, missionaries and teachers at Peru Baptist Seminary. We spent each morning in classes, chapels, and conversing with the students. In the afternoons we were able to see different areas of the city itself. On Wednesday evening Seth was able to speak at Iglesia Bautista Getsemaní, where missionary Jon Stilwell is the pastor. Through these different avenues we have been able to see the great need for Biblical education and personal discipleship here in South America.
Future Schedule - For the next few weeks, we will be stationed here in Lima for most of our time. We will be celebrating our first anniversary! We will also be visiting some Bible classes here in the city, participating in Bible studies, Seth will be speaking for a youth program, and we will be continuing our Spanish learning.
Prayer Requests - Please pray that God will continue to work in our hearts to conform us to His image. Also pray for several of the schools we have visited, that God would continue to use them to train up leaders in Peru and throughout South America. Ica, Urubamba and Trujillo all are working towards this goal. We also ask that you would pray for the contacts we have here in Lima and that God would use us to encourage and edify them.
The Peru Side - Because of its many uses, one cannot afford to leave home without an adequate supply. In our time spent in Peru we have seen it used in place of napkins, rags for cleaning, germ shields, plates for the meal, towels, party decorations, and in a multitude of other uses! It truly is the miracle product. Coming in many different colors and patterns (pink and blue for special decorating purposes), one may choose which they prefer. In the U.S, toilet paper is available even in public restrooms, but here one must remember each day to bring it along. So remember, here in Peru the motto is "BYOTP" - Bring Your Own Toilet Paper.

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Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)