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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Monster In The Hollows

The Monster In The Hollows
by Andrew Peterson
Product Details
Paperback: 348 pages
Publisher: Rabbit Room Press
Date Published: 2011

Point: We must remember who we are. We must.
Path:  The Wingfeathers’ escape from peril leads them across the Dark Sea of Darkness and to the “safety” of the Ban Rona in Green Hollows. It is there that Janner must truly accept his role as Throne Warden, and Kalmar his position as King - whether they feel like it or not.
Agreement: In comparing the first three of Peterson’s works: “Dark Sea” - a humorous and fast passed child’s tale. “North” - an action packed and passion stirring story. “Monster” - heart gripping, tear producing revelation of the soul. This book, more than either other, challenges the reader to look within and ask, “What would I have done?” It was hard to read because I saw something there that scared me. I saw myself.
Favorite Quote:
“But Janner had defied him. He was like a candle the Overseer couldn’t snuff out. And after Janner left, after Sara had weathered her punishment for helping him escape, she was surprised to find that some of Janner’s candlelight still flickered in the Fork Factory. She noticed it reflected in the other children’s eyes and in the way the ridgerunner watched her. It took her a few days to realize the light was coming from her. She was shining it. Janner Igiby had changed her. He was gone, but he had left some of his gift behind.” (145)
Stars: 5 out of 5
It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.

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Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)