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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Unfriend Yourself by Kyle Tennant

Unfriend Yourself
by Kyle Tennant

Product Details
  1. Paperback: 96 pages
  2. Publisher: Moody Publishers
  3. Date Published:2012
Point: Social media makes promises it cannot possibly keep. Facebook really doesn’t care “What’s on your mind?”.

Path: Tennant takes the reader through a three day fast from social media, calling us to reevaluate what lies we are believing. He does not demand that we delete any accounts, but calls us to think.

Sources: Much of his book is based upon Neil Postman’s work, Amusing Ourselves to Death, (which also was a stimulus in Tim Challis’ Next Story).

Agreement: I was expecting to find shallow reasoning and quaint fixes (not because I had previous contact with the author, but because of the title), but was pleasantly surprised. Real questions are asked and real thought takes place.
I especially appreciated his discussion on “community” and social media. Face to face contact can never be substituted in the church.

Personal App: What lies am I believing about social media? Have I taken the time to really listen to what someone is saying to me, or am I just looking for “re-tweet-ability”?

Favorite Quote: “Clearly, we have a problem when we seek community on a medium that is more about us than it is about others.” (48)

Stars: 4 out of 5

It would be worth another read and I would recommend it. I plan on pointing those from the millennial generation to this as a discussion point.

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Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)