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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Suggestions on how to Read Widely

Last week there was a post on Reading Widely. This week there is some "how to"
If you don't have time to read, consider these suggestions:

1. "Double Duty" - read something that doubles for something else, or use time that you are doing something else, to read. For example- if you are trying to reach out to a neighbor, ask him what he is reading and then read it as a witnessing possibility. Or listen to a classic while driving for 10 minutes, or sitting in line at the bank. Use time when you are running, or normally not productive. Crystal and I listen to a book before we fall asleep. Read to your kids. (Tell me how John Calvin is with sound effects and voices!)

2. Read Wisely -
A. recognize that not all you are going to read deserves to be read and you are not going to remember everything you read. Most is trash. Even on good books there are poor parts. Skim when you get to those.

B. Recognize when you read the best. I think the most clearly from 7-11 am. That is when I read the heaviest stuff. Blog posts, fiction, and history can come at other times.

C. And then don't read like you have to understand every word. Recognize that a good book you will read again, and again, and again. (More on this later)

D. Don't think you have to read everything at once. This is a lifelong process. (Insight courtesy of Scott)

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Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)