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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Peru Update 2/26

Travel Status -
For six special days we spent time with godly men,
Learning from Peruvian pastors and hearing where they've been.
The next week we sat with missionaries from all over Peru
Hearing of God's greatness and doing some planning too.
After two full weeks, spent all at camp
We headed to Chile for a Passport Stamp.
While we were there, we thought "Nobody we know!"
But to our surprise we met some old Amigos.
Then came Heather, a sister on Seth's side
We saw the city, church, and ocean tide.
A great time was spent, showing her our ministry.
We hated to see her go, but it's how it had to be.
Future Schedule -
We finished with our weekly teaching and preaching responsibilities at Musa this past Sunday, so we are now getting ready for our jungle trip. This Friday we fly out a little after 4 a.m. to head to the jungle! Early morning! We then will board a large boat for our 25 hour jaunt up the Amazon to the small city of Riquena. There we will be observing and assisting in the training of national pastors who minister deep in the Amazon basin.
Prayer Requests - Please pray for 1. Our personal spiritual growth (Col. 1:9,10). 2. The planning, traveling, and teaching aspects of our upcoming trip. 3. Our language learning and cultural adaptation.
The Peru Side - As a general whole, Peruvians are very hospitable. If we drop in anywhere even near lunchtime, they expect us to stay and eat with them. They always seem to make enough for visitors. A cultural difference is that down here, in most homes they serve up the plates in the kitchen instead of having food set out in serving bowls and people serving themselves. The women serve their husbands, not the guests, the first and the best plate.
Spanish Word - "Pan" - (pronounced like "pon" in the word "pond") means "bread." When Jesus said, "I am the bread of life," it looked like this "Yo soy el pan de vida." Pan is an important word to know down here, because pan is a staple, and they also have many excellent types of pan to enjoy!

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Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)