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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Did you Know...

that you can force painted turtles to hibernate, and can keep them
hibernating for quite some time with only the use of several household
items and a refrigerator? First, catch a turtle. Second, wrap the
turtle in a wet paper towel. Third, place the "packaged" turtle in a
ziplock bag appropriately marked so as not to cause problems with
other family members looking for a midnight snack. It is best to label
it something that none of the family members will want to eat, yet
would not want to throw away, like "Amish Friendship Bread Mix."
Fourth, place in the refrigerator. Nearly any place in the
refrigerator will do, although I always thought the "crisper" drawer
was the most appropriate. Fifth, awake when desired by removing the
turtle from his/her "hibernation station." This is most dramatically
done in plain view of the family. For the best results, do it at
dinner time.
*The author holds no responsibility for the results of this knowledge
when placed in the head of an inquisitive boy.

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Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)