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Monday, May 10, 2010

Crystal's Senior Testimony- Part I

I gave a testimony in Central's chapel at the end of the semester. This is some of what I shared:

How God led me to Central: I went to Pillsbury Baptist Bible College and majored in Bible and Missions. I minored in Spanish studies. I lived in Peru my junior year of college as a student and missionary intern. I started seeing the need to be able to be prepared to minister to others. God allowed me to finish out my degree at Pillsbury and marry Seth. During my last year at Pillsbury, the Bauders came (Dr. Bauder spoke in chapel and I still remember what he spoke about) and we ate with them in the dining hall. I was very impressed with their kindness. After graduation, we took a year to work and get married. Then went back to Peru for another nine months, this time to evaluate the educational needs in the Peruvian schools, institutes and Bible colleges. We were able to spend a lot of time with our dear friend, Pastor Evelio, the Peruvian pastor with whom Seth lived when we were in Peru the first time. We were able to be in many different schools, seeing needs there. We also were in Peru partially with the goal of seeing how else we should prepare for the ministry. One of the things that I heard over and over from the missionaries was that I should learn as much about counseling as I could because they were dealing with so many hard issues. God allowed us to see many of the needs of the people. At one point I was trying to help a young woman in Bible college who came to me for advice and I really had no idea how to help her. That cemented in my mind the need for further training.

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Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)